Desolation Sound the Inside Passage

Teakerne Arm

Friday, July 02, 2010TheCambrians

True to the forecast, the wind picked up and blew into Teakerne Arm from the northwest; but Great Sex Cove offers good protection, and we were comfortable. Things settled down later in the day, so we took the dinghy over to the public dock and hiked to Cassel Lake. It was a beautiful afternoon but still a little too cold for swimming, so we were happy to sit on the rocks, enjoy the view, and watch a group of teens brave the water.

Once back on the boat, we pulled out the cruising guides and charts again to plan our course through what is the most difficult and challenging section of the Inside Passage (the area of protected water that spans from Washington to Alaska) – a series of tidal passes that form rapids.

Beginning on the fourth of July, we'll have several days of neap tides which occur when the sun and the moon are farthest from being in line (quarter and three-quarters moon) resulting in the least range (rise and fall) of the tide and slower-moving currents. We'll use these days to transit the rapids.

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