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Freebie Friday
Money Saving Tips for the Boat Library
Friday, February 13, 2015TheCambrians
Getting a boat ready for the cruising season can be an expensive proposition and,
if you’re like us, saving dollars wherever you can has become an important part
of the process. One of the many ways we help
cut our costs is by downloading free PDF versions of books. Not only does it save us a little cash, it
has the added benefit of saving space on our book shelves . . . and trees.
Tides and Currents
There are a lot of tide and current apps on the market that are
free to use, but (in our experience) the most accurate resource for British Columbia comes from Canadian Hydrographic (no
surprise, eh?). Each year, CHS publishes
seven volumes with information for specific regions within Canada that retail for $6.50 at your local
West Marine or Fisheries Supply but are available online as free PDF downloads.
To get your copy of volumes 1, 2, 5, 6,
7 for currents and volumes 1 – 7 for tides, visit CHS HERE.
They have to be downloaded individually by region (i.e.
Admiralty Inlet, Hood Canal, Juan de Fuca Strait, etc.) for both the US and
Cruising Guides

The answer:
To get our
yearly updates on marina and anchoring information, we download the latest
version online HERE.
Looking for additional information on local
anchorages but don’t want to spend the extra cash?

Sailing Books

You can read more about
the Dashews and download their books at
to sailing and want to expand your library?
Sailing For Dummies is available as a free download at Libramar Maritime Downloads.
"Want to
sail into the sunset but don't know port from starboard? Don't worry! Now
updated with the latest on boats, gear, and racing, this hands-on guide helps
you chart a course to sailing success, from getting familiar with nautical
terms and seamanship basics to setting sail, navigating, anchoring, and
docking – even riding out a storm" (from the back cover of Sailing For Dummies, Second
by JJ Isler, an Olympic medalist in sailing, and her then-husband, Peter Isler,
navigator aboard Dennis Conner's Stars
& Stripes (which
won two America 's Cups), Sailing For Dummies presents
all the information you need to go sailing. Some of it is very basic,
even obvious at times, but it's all good advice and it's FREE.
For more money saving ideas, have a look at this article I wrote for Three Sheets
Northwest last year.
It’s Your Turn
Have any money-saving ideas for boating? We’d love to hear them. Please leave a comment below or send us an