Twenty, thirty and forty nautical miles. On the surface it doesn’t sound like much, but they were long days on the water – and difficult ones. It’s nice to be back in the Central Coast, but we’re here a month earlier than we were last season and it’s evident in the weather . . . and the weather patterns. Low pressure systems continue to plague the coast as the battle with the Pacific High for territory . . . and win. The effects are felt throughout British Columbia – strong southerly winds, high humidity, rain, fog, and mist that cover everything in various shades of grey.
On days like these, you have to be extra vigilant to avoid logs in the water, many of which remain hidden in the dark ripples until you are within feet of them, or worse, past them. And that can take a toll on you, both mentally and physically. The passages weren’t without their high points, however. The scenery along the way, if you can find a moment to appreciate it, is beautiful and it’s not unheard of to have company in the form of whales.
But yesterday’s passage from Wigham Cove up Finlayson Channel was especially difficult. Our course over the water was serpentine: Not because we were sailing, tacking back and forth, but because we had to avoid so much debris in the water. So it comes as no surprise that we’re tired as we’ve worked our way north from Pruth Bay to Bottleneck Inlet. And our reward? We’re now in the perfect position to do as we please, whether it be to continue north to areas unknown or to return to Fiordland, one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever been.
Bottleneck Inlet looking out into Finlayson Channel