#WotW Word of the Week

March | Word of the Week

Friday, January 20, 2017TheCambrians

Today I board a bus bound for Washington D.C. to join thousands of others in a march on this country’s capital.

This is a big moment, an historic event and experience that will live with me for the rest of my life. I will be able say I was there. I will be able to say I stood up for my beliefs. I will be able to say I was not silent at a time in our country’s history when silence was not an option. This is something I’ve dreamed about doing for a long time, standing up and being heard in our nation’s capital. And now’s my chance. 

Here's why I decided to join this march:

I heard him claim our president was “other”. Not from here. Illegitimate. 
     And I was disgusted.

I heard him say Mexicans immigrants were criminals and “rapists”. 
     And I was outraged.

I saw him mock a disabled reporter. 
     And I was appalled. 

I heard him call for a ban on Muslims entering the country. 
     And I was horrified.

I heard him criticize a Gold Star family.
     And I was repulsed.

Then I heard him say he has the right to grab a woman by her genitals and kiss her without consent. 
     And I understood.

#Women'sRightsAreHumanRights! This is #whyImarch.


What word sums up your week? Join the conversation below in the comments section or on our Facebook page. We’d love to hear from you.

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  1. Wow! I hope there are more people marching than attending official events.

  2. This is all horrifying for me, living a few thousand miles away, as I see the reality of it all unfolding. Hope the march goes well and you can all make a difference. Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I know. It's very worrying. I wish I could find a way to be optimistic but Trump hasn't behaved any better since winning the election. The only comfort I can offer is that people across the nation are determined to defend democracy and everything we fought for and gained under the Obama administration.

  3. I am marching tomorrow in Seattle. Your post says it all. I am disgusted by him and by what he represents. Many of his supporters would turn back the clock further than the last 8 years. I never thought I would be afraid for my country, even as we have swung between right and left many times before. This somehow feels much different.

    1. I left the march feeling optimistic and empowered. But yesterday's executive order to reinstate a more extreme version of the global gag rule coupled with today's executive order to advance the pipelines and the EPA blackout has quickly reminded me of what's in store for the next four years.

  4. I have been watching the news all afternoon...He is a vile man.
    Good for you for marching....I hope you are safe. The riots that are going on are terrifying.

    1. Thanks, Kim. It was an amazing experience and those of us in DC gained a lot of strength and enthusiasm as we learned about the number of people marching in cities around the world.

  5. I wish I could be there in person, but I'll be with you in spirit. Today was incredibly depressing.

    1. That was the one upside of being stuck on a bus for 24 hours!

  6. Awesome, Stephanie. I will be in spirits with you as well. There is a women's march a couple of hours away from us, in Sonoma, CA where a friend of ours (and our host tomorrow night) will demonstrate as well. I'd love to join in, but we are wrapping up our most current house sit (this means cleaning, laundry, making the house look perfect again before the owners show up). Good for you for standing up! Part of me wants to just curl up into a ball in the corner of the room and sit there for the next four hours. :-( And, part of me wishes this would be when we were far, far away on our sailboat still. I totally love an dsupport your word of the week and your description!

    1. Thanks, Liesbet. I'm pretty sure it was obvious by the turnout in cities worldwide, but many of us left Washington feeling empowered and ready to get to work. It's going to be a long, hard battle and I'm sure we're going to lose more than our fair share of the time, but we will win out in the end.

  7. I thank you. There is so much to be hopeful for as I see millions rise up to stand in support of these important causes and fundamental rights. In a week that has been painful and even stressful, the march was a ray of light. Women hold up half the sky!

    In solidarity,

    1. Thanks, Jessie (and congrats to you and Neil on your Australian arrival!). It was an overwhelming and amazing experience made even more so by the response across the United States and around the world. I honestly believe that this is just the beginning.

  8. Amen to all you say here and only by folks standing up and having their say will things change for the better. I salute you.

    1. Thank you, Kate! I think we made our point and now it's time to get to work and make our representatives live up to the oath of office they've taken.
