#WotW Holidays

Thankful | Word of the Week

Friday, November 25, 2016TheCambrians

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in the US, a time to reflect on the blessings in our lives and to give thanks. So, it’s only fitting that my word of the week today is ‘thankful’. I have a lot to be thankful for, today and every day, starting with this list of both serious and silly things (in no particular order):

I’m thankful for David. We drive each other nuts some times, but he’s a good, caring man with a heart of gold who loves me despite all of my shortcomings . . . and that’s no small thing.

I’m thankful the college basketball season has started. I’m a bit of a political junkie and after the US election two and a half weeks ago, I got pretty depressed. I’m still in a state of mourning, trying to figure out what happened and what it says about the country that I love and who we are as Americans. But cheering for my alma mater has helped restore some sense of normalcy and levity in my life (something I’m sure David’s thankful for as well). 

I’m thankful for lighthouses and driftwood-strewn beaches.

I’m thankful that I had absolutely no reason to go out shopping on Black Friday. I’ve done it before with my mom and one of my sisters and had a lot of fun, but once was enough for me.

I’m thankful that all the laundry is done. I have a bad habit of letting dirty clothes pile up for six weeks before I feel compelled to do the washing. But now that we’re back in our winter marina, I’ve been taking advantage of the easy access to the machines and the hamper is empty. Now I can sit back and let it fill up again.

I’m thankful that I’m almost finished cleaning the boat and removing everything to our storage unit.

I’m thankful for Cambria. For 13 years, she’s kept us safe, warm and dry while taking us to some of the most beautiful places on earth. 

I’m thankful for heaters. It can get cold on the water this time of year.

I’m thankful for sunshine. We don’t see it often enough during the fall and winter months but when the sun shows itself, it’s a beautiful thing.

I’m thankful for the ocean and the fact that it’s allowed us to call it home for the last 15 years, sharing its treasures with us along the way.

I’m thankful for coffee and being married to a man who knows how to make it just the way I like it.

I’m thankful for music and how there’s a song to fit every mood. 

I’m thankful for good health for myself and those I love.

I’m thankful for family and friends, most of whom we don’t get to see nearly often enough.

And I’m thankful for you, the person reading this post, for taking the time out of your busy life. I know there are a million other things you could be doing right now, and I thank you for stopping by.

What word sums up your week? Join the conversation below in the comments section or on our Facebook page. We’d love to hear from you!


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  1. I love that picture of David :-) It's nice to pause at this time of year and take stock of everything we have to be thankful for. I'm with you on the Black Friday sales. I might look at what's for sale online, but the thought of going into the shops frightens me.

    1. I really like the picture of David too because it reminds me that he's willing to do just about anything for a laugh, even when it doesn't make much sense.

  2. This is a lovely post to read. I think it's important to stop and recognise what we're thankful for regularly - I keep a gratitude log where I joy down 3 things each day that I have been grateful for and it does make you see the good in amongst the more difficult or ordinary of days. Thanks for sharing with #Wotw

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn. I have a friend who does something similar. She says it can be difficult to come up with something to be grateful for some days, but it has changed the way she sees the world and her daily life -- not a bad result for an act that takes very little effort.

  3. That's a lovely thanksgiving list. First photo made me chuckle :) I'm thankful of family even though we live far from them. Thankful for technology so I'm able to chat with my mum every day :)

    1. Thanks, Dean. And you're right. Technology makes it so much easier to keep in touch with family and friends who don't live nearby -- I'm thankful for that as well.

  4. Goodness. I bet you had fun putting the list together. I'm thankful that there is so much to be thankful for. You live in a beautiful part of the world. I love the photo of the glacier. What a view. #wotw

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. I did. Not only was it a fun post to write, but it came together quite easily which is always a pleasant surprise.

  5. What a lovely thankful post. It is great to stop and reflect isn't it! I love drift wood beaches so lovely. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family X #wotw

    1. Thank you! And yes, we're very fortunate here because we have plenty of driftwood beaches to explore!

  6. What a great list! We all have so much to be thankful for- I'm thankful that Matt and Hasty keep putting up with me- even through Black Friday shoe shopping!

    1. Thanks, Lucy. I've seen the crowds around the shoe departments on Black Friday -- they're crazy! So that is something to be thankful for!

  7. I second everything you mentioned in this post, except for the coffee (and David). :-) I have never been in stores over Black Friday. I don't like crowds of people and going grocery shopping on a Saturday, because I forgot it was Saturday, was painful enough. Thank you for being a virtual friend, Stefanie! :-)

    1. And thank you, Liesbet, for being a virtual friend as well! I've really enjoyed following along with your blog and meeting your new four-legged friends (David thinks I'm obsessed with dogs -- I have no idea how he came to that conclusion, lol).

  8. Snap :) I've chosen Thankful as my #wotw too although for me it's been about turning what could spiral into a mass of negativity into positivity. And I get the post-elections feelings, not for the US ones so strongly but definitely for our Brexit result earlier in the year. I'm afraid it took me quite a while to trust and re-engage with friends that voted for this, for me it was like the very core of what I knew had substantially changed. I could go on, but I won't as it's not helpful to anyone - let's hope we can all make the best of what it is.

    1. Great minds think alike . . . or is it people with great names (I'm a Stephanie too!). I'm still struggling with the election results and you nailed the reason why on the head -- "it was like the very core of what I knew had substantially changed." It's heartbreaking . . . as is Brexit. My husband's British (so is Cambria) and we have plans to move back to England and buy a narrowboat so we've been following the news closely through the Guardian online. To use your words again, "let's hope we can all make the best of what it is."

  9. Such a lovely post with so many things to be happy about. And what i really like is the randomness of them! The photos are great too. Lovely to read! #wotw

  10. Happy belated thanksgiving, I too am thankful for coffee it keeps me going most days. You have taken some beautiful photographs. #WotW

    1. Thanks, Angela. It's hard to take a bad photograph here -- it's such a beautiful part of the world! We really are fortunate to have landed here and to have been able to spend so much quality time.
