Alphabet Photography Project Cruising with a Dog Pets Aboard

Alphabet Photography Project | S is for Sally

Thursday, January 28, 2016TheCambrians
Welcome to another installment of the Alphabet Photography Project and the letter S. There’s only one S in my life and, considering one has been my home for the last 15 years, logic would dictate that it’s “sailboat” . . . or “sailing”. But it’s not. A good second guess would be “Stephanie” since that’s my name (and it darn well better be the most important S in...

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Alaska Inside Passage Notes From the Dockside

Sailing to Southeast Alaska | Ten Things to Know Before You Go

Tuesday, January 26, 2016TheCambrians
Now that our cruising season in Southeast Alaska is behind us, I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect on the time we spent in her waters. To do that, I’ve written a total of three blogs: The first one lays out several factors that impacted our experience and impression of the area – the weather, commercialism and sailing to a schedule. The second lists some...

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Alaska Inside Passage Notes From the Dockside

Why Sail to Southeast Alaska? Ten Reasons You Should Go

Friday, January 22, 2016TheCambrians
Sailing to Southeast Alaska is the pinnacle of cruising not only for those of us in the Pacific Northwest, but many cruisers world-wide. It’s one of the most stunning places on earth and has found its way on more than one bucket list – for cruisers and landsman alike. And now that the 2015 season is behind us, I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect...

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Alphabet Photography Project Inside Passage Roscoe Inlet

Alphabet Photography Project | R is for Reflection

Wednesday, January 20, 2016TheCambrians
Welcome to another installment of the ‘Alphabet Photography Project’ and the letter R. This week I chose the word “reflection”. There are days along the protected waters of the Inside Passage where it is so still that the world is reflected as if it were looking into a mirror – these are magical moments. The photograph I chose is from our first trip up Roscoe Inlet. To make...

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Alaska Inside Passage Reflections on Cruising

Southeast Alaska | Reflections on a Season Past (Part 1 of 3)

Monday, January 18, 2016TheCambrians
Sailing to Southeast Alaska is the pinnacle of cruising not only for those of us in the Pacific Northwest, but many cruisers world-wide. It’s one of the most stunning places on earth and has found its way on more than one bucket list – for cruisers and landsman alike. And now that the 2015 season is behind us, I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect...

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Alaska Inside Passage Notes From the Dockside

Ketchikan is Calling

Friday, January 15, 2016TheCambrians
Ketchikan was calling, but we’re in no hurry to answer. With Anan Wildlife Observatory done and over with, our time in Alaska is basically finished. We still have 95 miles to go before we cross the border into Canada but, for all intents and purposes, the “fun” has ended. All we need to do now is put miles under our keel. The funny thing is we aren’t in...

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Alphabet Photography Project England Notes From the Dockside

Alphabet Photography Project | Q is for Quay

Wednesday, January 13, 2016TheCambrians
From Oxford Dictionaries: Quay noun \'kē, 'kā, 'kwā\ A concrete, stone, or metal platform lying alongside or projecting into  water for loading and unloading ships. Welcome to another installment of the ‘Alphabet Photography Project’ and the letter Q. This week I chose the word “quay” for a couple of reasons: 1) it’s nautical and 2) there’s a story to be told, though not one that goes with the word...

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Alaska Bears Inside Passage

Anan Wildlife Observatory: Bears, Bears and More Bears

Saturday, January 09, 2016TheCambrians
We love bears: Black bears. Brown bears. Big bears. Small bears. It doesn't really matter. As long as they're not too interested in us, we're super-interested in them. So making a trip to Anan Wildlife Observatory to watch them fish for salmon has been on our list of things to do for years. It’s not a park or a zoo. The bears are wild and free to roam wherever...

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